The basic principles in order to promote and consolidate Social Interaction at Pamplona University are:

a) Cooperation: Design and development of programs, proposals and extension of projects related to enterprise-government sectors in a cooperated way within teaching, research and social Interaction.

b) Interdisciplinary: Group together programs and academic investigative and extension projects, making specific dynamic solutions from different disciplines to social problems.

c) Formation: Promote and strengthen community oriented projects that merge from academic and investigative processes, based on professional practices, social work and university voluntary work.

d) Relevance: Promotes constant updating of the environmental needs and the institution itself, demanding permanent monitoring of what goes on in the local, as well as the regional, national and international environment.

e) Interaction of the programs and projects with the different sectors and actors of the community in a regional, national and international level that strengthen and respond to the demands of the social, economic and cultural environment.

f) Participation: Permanent dialogue with all actors involved, aiming to guarantee participation in social interaction programs and projects, assuring professional and integral training in the correlation of enterprise-government-university.

g) Communication: Pamplona University communicates, divulges and publishes Social Interaction processes to the community, by means of a defined and foretold strategy in each extension project since its conception.

h) Coherence: Concordance and correspondence amount the institutional educational project and the Plan of Development and the academic, investigative and cultural daily job.

i) Solidarity: the university creates and develops Interaction projects, programs and activities that solve the needs of the different sectors of the population by means of Professional Practices, Social Work, Continuous Education and Graduates Monitoring.

j) Services: The university offers the community general services that correspond to their needs, interests and problems, promoting areas for the development of academic, investigative and Social Interaction processes.


Translated By: Mg. PhD(c) Carlos Alberto Jaimes Guerrero