En nuestra última edición

Low-cost meteorological platform based on zigbee technology

Computer- assisted analysis for e-portfolio learning strategy

Smart home control by voice using neural networks

Application software as global marketing strategy

Methodology used in the design and construction of a computer numerical control machine

Exergy analysis for a furnace in the production of panela

Reflection on the requirements specification in a university context

Digital social networks: an approach to risk management information systems

Analysis of the current system of a clay block dryer and an improvement proposal

Algorithms and systems based on patterns of stem cell and artificial cloning for automation and control in an assembly operation in metalworking processes

Development of a software to apply zoometria in bovine cattle

Design and simulation of a prototype of machine for signaling of ways, automated through a mechanical system

Modelation of modal election for urban public transport based on the introduction of a new mode

Evaluation of resistance to flexion in glazed ceramic tile in terms of ice and thaw cycles

A look at the onto- epistemic fundamentals of the career of system engineering as a basis for rethinking the social impact in times of changing

Structural analysis of a pressing machine for production of solid brick for small craft industries of ceramic materials in Ocaña, Norte de Santander, and in the region

Identification of vegetable coverages from satellite images over the middle and lower basin of the Catatumbo river

Aplication of lattice boltzmann equation method to the bidimensional simulation of typical fluids mechanic problem

The historical references of professional. development case study of teachers teaching in the basic primary education in Colombia

Critical thinking of students using facebook like new technology learning



Esp. Camilo Arturo Lagos Mora.
MSc. José Tomas Buitrago Molina.
PhD. Ricardo Timarán.

Abstract: The principal difficulty which the planning of tasks faces for the development of pieces or products in a cell of flexible manufacture (FMC) is the complexity of the relations of his elements and the quantity of pieces tried in it that, though it is minor that those who are made of cells of dedicated use, it does not stop being a problem at the moment of planning the actions for the accomplishment of each one of them. In this article one proposes a methodology of planning of tasks for a flexible cell of manufacture using heuristic search with partial solutions, which it is a modification of the technique of search first the best, and it is based that to produce n pieces of ideal form is necessary to pass for the production of n-1 ideal pieces. This concept allows to eliminate all the unnecessary states to produce n pieces departing from the partial solution of the production of n-1 pieces and assuming therefore the solution of them n-1 pieces as initial state for the production of n-pieces.

Keywords: Scheduler, flexible manufacturing cell, state-space, heuristic search, heuristic function.

Resumen: La principal dificultad a la que se enfrenta la planificación de tareas para el desarrollo de piezas o productos en una celda de manufactura flexible (FMC) es la complejidad de las relaciones de sus elementos y la cantidad de piezas procesadas en ella que, aunque es menor que las que se fabrican en celdas de uso dedicado, no deja de ser un problema a la hora de planificar las acciones para la realización de cada una de ellas. En este artículo se propone una metodología de planificación de tareas para una celda flexible de manufactura utilizando búsqueda heurística con soluciones parciales, que es una modificación de la técnica de búsqueda primero el mejor, y se basa en que para producir n piezas de forma óptima es necesario pasar por la producción de n-1 piezas óptimas. Este concepto permite eliminar todos los estados innecesarios para producir n piezas partiendo de la solución parcial de la producción de n-1 piezas y asumiendo por lo tanto la solución de las n-1 piezas como estado inicial para la producción de n-piezas.

Palabras clave: Planificador, celda de manufactura flexible, espacio de estados,búsqueda heurística, función heurística.