Formando líderes para la construcción de un nuevo país en paz

universidad de pamplona

President Greeting

Appreciated students receive a cordial greeting on behalf of the Honorable Supreme Council, the Vice-rectors , the Governing Body and teaching and in general of all members of the University of Pamplona from today your house of studies.

In this new stage of your lives, those have decided to commit to your training at a professional level we welcome that form part of our institution and commit us to give them a more comprehensive education and accompany the completion of their projects to life. The vocational training that initiate is vitally important as personal and social purpose, as a contribution to the improvement of family life and of the communities and eventually into the construction of a human capital committed to improving our country.

Live fully the "University Life" also means cultivating social coexistence, participation and critical thinking in each of our students. Thus, in the vocational training, it is essential to maintain a proactive attitude diligent and self-discipline, enabling them to think for himself and be consistent with their actions, that is to say, be viewed as ethical human beings, autonomous, integral; qualities that are complemented with the high professional competencies and research with the graduates and our students which we will spend in you.

In this regard, we invite you to take full advantage of the resources and services that the University has at its disposal; libraries, virtual rooms, high-tech laboratories, university Welfare, research centers, interagency agreements and most importantly a teacher staff committed and highly skilled to accompany them in this journey that started today. Resources and people that are at your disposal and we urge them to respect, care for and preserve their House of Studies, since the University is all. To ensure academic excellence, we emphasize the importance of directed toward human and social formation, learning a second language, the investigative spirit, the competence in the management of information technology and new technologies, necessary qualities for the competitive professionals and ethical that requires the Colombian society.

In consequence, start this new administration with a focus on academic quality, investigative, interaction, welfare and administrative, offering more options in programs and welcoming students in different places of country, is to confirm our purpose "a university committed to inclusive and integral development".



Rector/ President


Translated By: Mg. PhD(c) Carlos Alberto Jaimes Guerrero

Última actualización: 18/12/2013 04:44 PM
  • Campus Pamplona
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    Tels: (57+7) 5685303 - 5685304 Ext: 224, 225
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    Tel: (1) 2499745