Formando líderes para la construcción de un nuevo país en paz

universidad de pamplona

Arts and Humanities faculty

Dean  Antonio Stalin García Ríos
Casona Central Tel. 5680997


To form genuine professional humans, from a philosophical stance of respect for each other so that they can meet the challenges of the third millennium with proficiency in the context of the arts and humanities, interrelating the individual conscience and the collective consciousness to enrich their work. This also involves promoting the interaction of Arts and Humanities with science and technology, in a multidisciplinary approach that favours the development of processes that modernity and postmodernity present to them.


The Faculty of Arts and Humanities will contribute from their program to promote, preserve and disseminate the values, heritage and cultural project of the University and the local and regional community measuring them through comprehensive training of its professionals, research, social projection and production in a way that they will be agents of change, promoters of values of solidarity and coexistence, and be important representatives of human dignity.

Roles and objectives

•    Tend to the advancement of disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies in the field of Arts and Humanities at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
•    Promote on going reflection of the disciplines involved in the artistic and humanistic from the capability of the faculty.
•    Offer training programs in the Arts-Humanity areas ensuring comprehensive training of future professionals and the development of their critical, reflective, analytical and research capabilities.
•    Contribute to the development of research in the Arts-Humanity field which favour the preservation of cultural regional and local heritage, develop lines of research in the Arts-Humanity field and generate theoretical and critical perspectives on the cultural development of the region in it’s different dimensions.
•    Encourage the creation of research groups and cultural service departments with community outreach.
•    Promote the creation of working groups and interdisciplinary research projects between the Schools of the Faculty and other academic areas of the University.
•    Create the necessary academic conditions and materials that support the qualitative development of academic and professional training programs in the relevant areas of the Faculty.
•    Promote social outreach programs, training, advice and services across different academic units of the Faculty.
•    Anticipate and propose innovative solutions aimed at the integral development of the culture of groups, organizations and local and regional communities.
•    Any other duties assigned to the statutory regulations.


•    Pamplona Carrera 4 # 4-38 casona Telephone 5680997
•    Cúcuta Calle 5 # 2-38 Instituto de Cultura Telephone: 5711088
•    Villa del Rosario Los alamos, Villa antigua, Autopista Internacional Telephones:


•   Antonio Stalin García Ríos,
Dean of the faculty,

•    Pedro Alberto Contreras,
Director of the Arts Department,

•    Rossy Eugenia Reyes,
Director of the Social Communications Department,

•    José Jacinto Gélvez,
Director of the Philosophy Department,

•    Ludy Cecilia Carreño Salazar,
Director of the Jurisprudence  Program

•  Alfonso Cabrera Reyes
Director of the Jurisprudence  Program. Villa del Rosario Campus
Telephone of Jurisprudence 568-3350

•  Edgar Allán Niño
Director of the Social Communications Department,  Villa del Rosario Campus

•    Fanny Marlene Acero Jauregui, Secretary,
•    Matilde Elisa Molina Campo, Secretary,


Academic areas offered

•    Visual arts [+]
•    Social communications [+]
•    Philosophy [+]
•    Music [+]
•    Law [+]

Postgraduates and Research Groups


•    Specialization in Methodology of Art Education [+]

•    Music Research Group
•    Culture and Education Research Group
•    TRIADA Research Group
•    Applied Technologies for the Development of Musicality Research Group


Translated By: Mg. PhD(c) Carlos Alberto Jaimes Guerrero

Última actualización: 19/12/2013 08:39 AM
  • Campus Pamplona
    Ciudad Universitaria
    Tels: (57+7) 5685303 - 5685304 Ext: 224, 225
  • Campus Cúcuta
    Calle 5 No. 2-38 Barrio Latino
    Tels: (54+7) 5711088 - 5832263 - 5833712
  • Campus Villa del Rosario
    Autopista Internacional Vía Los Álamos Villa Antigua
    Tels: (57+7) 5706966 (Fax) - 5703742
  • Bogotá D.C.
    Calle 71 No 11-51 Quinta Camacho
    Tel: (1) 2499745